F.I.r.e. goddess…

it’s time to reclaim your F.I.R.E.

You are a person who DESIRES a life of health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity, don’t you? Simply by starting  the research and searching for a solution, you are already in transformation mode, by simply allowing the process to unfold for you. 

Your success is inevitable, and your wait for abundance, ease, joy, and prosperity is over.


Here’s the truth, Warriors...

You know overdoing and overachieving is killing your business and affecting your health. 

The question is:  how much longer are you willing to work this way, and at what cost?  


If you haven’t seen the abundance and prosperity as a result of working all the time, overdoing, and overachieving, where are you going to be in another 6 months or a year from now in your goals if you continue to work this way?


To many people in the outside world, it appears as if you’re killing it.  

You have what many wish for, don’t you?  Self employment, a flexible schedule, no boss to report to, and a decent salary.  In reality, you’re killing it.  But not in the way that you want to be, right?  Perhaps there are days when you feel you are killing your dreams of making high 6 or 7 figures.  Or days when you feel you are killing your health and well being, your joy, and killing saying YES to yourself.  

And I’m here to tell you that it is not your fault.  It’s really easy to beat yourself up about the overdoing, the burnout, and all the things… And it’s easy to be disappointed that despite all the hard work, you’re still not where you want to be in life.

And the cycle continues... you beat yourself up some more, think you need to do more,  and you overcommit and sign up with another coach, or you purchase another course that promises to be the end to all of your problems. 

Perhaps you are starting to notice that you’re burning out, and your body is telling you to put on the brakes and stop this endless cycle of overwork, overcommitting, and all the other ways you self sabotage.  

Does this sound familiar?


I have been there many, many times...

If you’re like most successful solopreneurs, you are really starting to get it, aren’t you?  That all the fatigue, the lack of financial abundance, and the time lost with family is no longer worth it. But what you may be starting to realize is that  just because you know you were meant for more, doesn’t mean that you are required to DO more.  

The migraines, the hormonal imbalances, and the leaky gut...it’s no longer worth all the effort anymore, is it? The constant feeling of struggle and disempowerment is real, and certainly isn’t worth it,  is it?  

The worry about how your self sabotaging behaviors are going to ultimately affect your health, and possibly cause a disease... 

when it comes to having everything that you desire in your business and life, it’s not a matter of doing more, but it is a matter of doing less better while being in alignment with your life’s purpose.

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end the cycle and reclaim your F.I.R.E. now!

Imagine what it would be like if, for the first time ever, you started to see, hear, and feel what it’s like to choose yourself and reclaim that fire in your belly. To have the business, the health, and the life you have been dreaming of.  

Here’s the thing, Warriors… Successful people know when it’s time to take the leap.  

Consider where your life will be in a year from now as a result of taking that leap… Then consider where your life will be in a year from now if you don’t choose yourself and you DON’T take that leap. 

It’s your choice. 





The glue that holds everything together. Without health, we have no business, do we? In my work, I use Chinese Medicine principles to ensure that my clients’ Qi, (or life force energy) is at it’s prime and in flow. Chinese Herbs and Dietary Therapy may also be used, if necessary.  


Creating awareness of negative unproductive thought habits in order to redirect and change negative thought loops. Implementing new strategies for regraming, redirecting, and processing thoughts in order to have a happy, positive mindset. 


Awareness and understanding of being in excess masculine energies such as overdoing and overworking to the point of having physical health symptoms such as exhaustion and adrenal fatigure. Saying yes to the receiving energy of the Feminine, resulting in more creativity and joy. Confidence with firm boundaries with self and others.


Alignment to higher self. Connecting to authentic self in order to receive guidance that is in alignment with self in order to make decisions with ease and flow, and live life in peace and well being.

Apply Now to reclaim your F.i.r.e.